Analysing and displaying data
Analysing, organising and displaying data in a meaningful way is the last step of conducting a survey. If all preceding steps, which were addressed in my previous blogs (Survey Design and Asking the right questions in the right way) were correctly implemented, this last step should not prove difficult. However, there are a few things to keep an eye out for while others should be avoided at all costs in order to conduct a methodologically correct data analysis which provides accurate insights.
What to do!
- Before even starting to analyse the data, the first thing you must do is to re-read the whole survey keeping the initial objectives in mind. All data must be analysed within the context of the objectives of the survey.
- Read all survey results before beginning the analysis. This general revision will help identify any recurrent mishaps (such as questions that were unanswered repeatedly), which questions will require a more detailed analysis other than to identify trends and so on. In a nutshell, taking the time to read through all the data at your disposal will help provide scope to the subsequent analysis
- Graph your data! Graphs and charts are your greatest allies when trying to illustrate complex information. Most people find it easier to read data out of a graph than a table or spreadsheet. Moreover, they are a fantastic way to spot out trends and patterns!
In order to learn more about visual representation of data I suggest reading the following article from Measuring U.
What not to do!
- The data analysis stage is not the time to re-write the survey. While browsing through survey results one can find that a questions was omitted or that information is missing. Although the temptation is there to alter or add the information, even if it is implied in the answers, you must not follow that path. If the information required was not specifically requested, then it is not there and at this stage in the game there is nothing to do. In any case, it is part of the learning curve every new surveyor goes through.
I hope this short series on surveys has helped you get started with conducting your own Voice of Customer or Market Research survey, or any other survey for that matter.
If you feel you need further guidance feel free to contact us at [email protected] or call +353 (0)91 739450