Web Summit….One Week on….

It has been a week since the web summit and I thought it was best to let the dust settle before I started this blog. What a great, great week! I feel inspired, excited and extremely positive about the future of Digital Marketing. Always have, however it is always beneficial to attend such events to get the juices flowing again.

Web-SummitAt IMS, we know it is important to keep up to date with the latest trends and happenings in the digital world. Everything changes so fast, for us it isn’t about the latest buzz word or the latest fad its about ensuring we are aware of new tools, platforms and methods so we can offer our clients the best solution.

The web summit was full of common themes, from ‘The Internet of Things’ to ‘Big Data’ to ‘Tailored Communications’.

Stand out presentations for me included, Dharmesh Shah. Dharmesh’s presentation surprisingly wasn’t wholly focused on inbound marketing. Dharmesh talked about company culture and minimising the number of company rules. He emphasised how culture cannot be forced and how ‘an amazing culture helps attract stars’.

Check out the slideshare presentation below with Hubspots 20 Key Take Aways from the web summit.
