Online Portal Development | Newsletter Communications | Website Design and Development
IMS was tasked with the development and promotion of an online web portal for newly qualified doctors in Ireland across 4 different medical schools in Ireland
Our challenge was to create an engaging brand that communicated the importance of medical intern induction and the responsibilities involved. User engagement was paramount to the successful implementation of the new non-manual induction facility in its strive to increase patient safety and education standards.
The core objectives of the portals were to create a central hub where interns could login using an individual username and password to access all types of useful information relevant to their internship. This information took PowerPoint, PDF download and video format. The portal essentially replaced non-interactive printed guidelines, multiple emails, and reliance on on-site tutorials. The portal also needed to allow students to take mini tests and generate results of same for review by the intern coordinator.
Following several detailed site planning sessions with the network coordinator, a website specification and wireframe was agreed.
IMS coordinated the content, copywriting and built the site in line with the network new brand guidelines. In addition, we notified each intern individually via e-newsletters of their login details and generated monthly portal usage reports for the various management teams.
Following the successful launch of four portals, IMS has retained ongoing maintenance and management of the sites. We continue to work with the wider group on an ongoing basis, managing the various sites and performing updates as required. Our project has assisted in the creation of hospital wide efficiencies and in increasing patient safety through engagement and ongoing professional development opportunities for junior doctors.
IMS can help you generate outstanding online results