[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The following post represents an overview of an interview with Kasha, one of our graphic designers at IMS.
A logo represents the ‘face’ of a company. It should inform the customer of what the company what it is all about, should be memorable and simple. A good rule of thumb to keep in mind before thinking of a logo is that it should be so simple that it could be drawn in sand with a stick; think Nike, Mercedes Benz and McDonalds.
1. Initial Development
The first stage is the part that will, and should, take the most time. This stage will involve a lot of sketching out multiple designs to narrow down to the final concept. This stage needs time, if this section is rushed it will lead to further work down the line. It is important to take frequent breaks between sketches so that you allow yourself some time to get some perspective and to spot any major gaffs! Share your work with colleagues and friends before proceeding to the next stage of development to further gain some feedback.
2. Concept Generation
If you have dedicated enough time to your initial development then your logo should have matured to a strong concept at this stage. The maximum number of concepts to present at this stage should be three. Anymore has the potential to confuse the client. If you have spent enough time in the first stage then you will have eliminated any unsuitable designs and so will be confident in three strong concepts at this stage. After this stage all you should be doing is refining your design.
3. Typography
The typography will add a personality to your logo. It is important to use the appropriate font for the appropriate industry e.g. you would never use comic sans for an engineering company! Each font conveys its own personality and a good graphic designer will know this and be able to choose the appropriate font for your industry. It is best to use one or two fonts maximum for a logo. When using two fonts they should be from the same family e.g two versions of Arial, instead of mixing Arial and Times New Roman . As your font adds personality to your logo, multiple fonts can give some mixed messages.
4. Colours
Just as the typography adds a personality to your logo the colours used will add a ‘mood’ to the logo. Colours have an ability to make the viewer feel a certain way e.g blue is often used in medical logos because it is a ‘strong’ and ‘trustworthy’ colour. Try and avoid the ‘Rainbow Effect’, although some companies break this rule, in general it is not seen as best practice. Just as multiple fonts can give mixed messages so can multiple colours. Try use two colours maximum in your logo. One last thing to remember when thinking of colours for your logo is that it must also work well in black and white or in other situations such as if your logo was to be engraved and colours can not be differentiated.
5. White Space
Many people worry about the ‘wasted space’ around a logo. This space is not wasted and instead of being referred to as empty space it is actually white space. This is the space that surrounds your logo and adds an additional element to your design. In a company’s brand guidelines it is important to specify the space that is required around your logo to prevent it becoming crowded. Lastly, the white space around your logo is not always white and can in fact be any colour not used in your primary logo. Adobe Systems would perhaps be the best example of this.
Hopefully the information above gives you some food for thought before you consider a logo design or revamp for your company or at least helps you appreciate a really great logo the next time you see one!
Interested in a logo design for your company or product? Contact Graphic Designer, Kasha for further details at [email protected] or call +353 91 739450.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery interval=”3″ images=”9615,9614,9613,9612,9611″ img_size=”large”][/vc_column][/vc_row]