You have spent months perfecting your company’s new website, from the communications and content to working with a team of project managers, designers and developers. You’ve given it your all and your new shop window is launched. You get amazing feedback from customers, suppliers, distributors and colleagues. You update the website regularly with news, new products, services and important company information. Your communications are top notch.
Then one day bam…’s gone. For some unknown reason and despite the strong security measures in place, the website goes down. It gets hacked. Your product pages have been replaced with a foreign language and all of your url’s changed. You’re gutted! You’re embarrassed. How many prospects or existing customers have been on the website and seen this? How long has it been like this? How much data have you lost? How can it be fixed? You have no idea.
You wouldn’t keep the same display in a shop window month on month, year on year. Your website is no different. It needs to be cleaned up on a regular basis. The glass cleaned. The wood polished. The reality is, worst case scenario, if your website goes down and is not correctly maintained, you may find yourself in the horrible position of having to completely start the website project from scratch. There is no back up, it can’t be restored, the site is lost in the expanse that is the world wide web.
Client centric. Responsive. Flexible. Results driven.
Everything we do revolves around you.