Acumen Programme for Export Success

Acumen from InterTradeIreland aims to enhance the capacity and capability of Irish SME’s to begin exporting for the first time. The programme is designed to help businesses identify new opportunities and win new sales cross-border.

Export ambition brought to light

Acumen will fund up to 50% of the cost of working with an experienced consultant that will help you to develop and implement an export strategy that’s right for your business. 

The maximum cost covered is €20,000/£16,000 with Acumen funding up to €10,000/£8,000. 

However, businesses with considerable export potential will be considered for additional support from InterTradeIreland, which is 100% funded. This might include detailed market research such as pricing strategy, supply chain research, competitor analysis or other forms of market evaluation that are required ahead of choosing an export market that offers your business significant growth opportunity. This can be explored with InterTradeIreland as part of the application process.


Are you Eligible?

To be eligible, participating businesses must:

Be active in either the manufacturing or tradeable services sectors.

Be an SME with less than 250 staff and £40m (euro equivalent) turnover.

Be an indigenous business registered in Ireland or Northern Ireland.

Have an established trading history and have a proven track record in their home market i.e. Minimum 18-24 months trading history.

How to Apply

Evaluate if your business is eligible to apply for this fund


Talk to IMS about our relevant experience and our ideas on how we could maximise the benefit of this programme for your business


We can assist you with all aspects of your funding application


Contact InterTradeIreland to validate eligibility


Complete the export diagnostic assessment


Complete your application